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2023 Media and Think Tank Forum for SCO Countries held in Qingdao

The 2023 Media and Think Tank Forum for SCO Countries was held in Qingdao, Shandong province, on Friday. Participants reached broad consensus on various topics, such as deepening connectivity, jointly pushing forward the Belt and Road Initiative, and upholding multilateralism.

CICG awards winners of international Chinese calligraphy competition

The awards ceremony and exhibition of outstanding works of the 6th Chinese Calligraphy Competition for Participants from SCO Countries were held in Qingdao, Shandong province, on Friday.

CICG brings China-themed publications to wider global audience

In recent years, China International Communications Group has been expanding its global publishing presence through strategic partnerships with foreign publishers. These partnerships have enabled CICG to bring China-themed publications to a wider global audience, while also helping to promote Chinese culture and values on the world stage.

International youths visit Shanghai, hold dialogue

A group of 17 youth representatives from 12 countries recently visited Shanghai and participated in a dialogue on the theme of new development concept and Chinese modernization.

CICG holds dialogue on cultural exchange with foreign envoys

A dialogue on cultural exchange was held in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, on Sunday with diplomatic envoys to China. About 20 envoys from nearly 10 countries joined discussions about China's ceramics and advancing international cultural exchange.

CICG advances international publishing of China-themed books

China International Communications Group (CICG) signed agreements with publishing houses from China and abroad to strengthen international cooperation on publishing China-themed books.

Reading this book to understand China in the New Era

There is a Chinese masterpiece which has gained legions of fans overseas. Some people read it over and over again, while some take notes page after page. Read this book, to understand China in the New Era.

CICG president meets attendees of ASEAN-China media forum

The 2023 ASEAN-China Media Cooperation Forum was held on Monday in Wenzhou, eastern China's Zhejiang province. Du Zhanyuan, president of China International Communications Group (CICG), met the attendees of the forum.

CICG executive attends Forum on Building up China's Cultural Strength

CICG President Du Zhanyuan attended the first Forum on Building up China's Cultural Strength, which opened Wednesday in Shenzhen, Guangdong province.

Roundtable on ecological civilization held in Guizhou

A roundtable dialogue on ecological civilization was held in Guiyang, the capital city of southwestern China's Guizhou province, on Tuesday.

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