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2nd China-Brazil Forum for Exchange and Mutual Learning held in Sao Paulo

The 2nd China-Brazil Forum for Exchange and Mutual Learning was held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on Sept. 16.

CICG executive attends Kazakhstan's Culture Day

Kazakhstan's Culture Day was held Wednesday at the Secretariat of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Beijing. CICG Vice President Lu Cairong attended the event at the invitation of the Kazakh Embassy in China.

4th ASEAN-China 'Friendship and Cooperation' Short Video Contest kicks off

The 4th ASEAN-China "Friendship and Cooperation" Short Video Contest was launched Thursday with the theme of "Connection for a Better Future."

China-Central Asia Human Rights Development Forum held in Beijing

The 2023 China-Central Asia Human Rights Development Forum was held in Beijing on Tuesday, gathering 100 participants from China and Central Asian countries to explore ways to promote human rights development through the Belt and Road Initiative.

Mexican sinologist's lifelong dedication to bridging cultures

The name "Bai Peilan" stands out on the list of winners of the inaugural Orchid Awards, its classical Chinese quality contrasting with the names of other foreigners honored for fostering cultural exchanges between China and the rest of the world.

Music transcends boundaries, says Juilliard's president emeritus

Joseph W. Polisi, president emeritus and chief China officer of the Juilliard School in the United States, was awarded the Lifetime Honorary Prize at China's inaugural Orchid Awards on Friday.

Bridging cultural divides: Orchid Awards winner David Ferguson's take on communicating China

International communication expert David Ferguson received the"Outstanding Achievement Award" at the awarding ceremony of the inaugural Orchid Awards in Beijing on Friday for his exceptional contributions to fostering better understanding between China and the rest of the world.

Orchid Awards winner Dino Patti Djalal: 'People-to-people exchange is the foundation of all good relations'

Dino Patti Djalal, founder and chairman of the Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI), received the"Friendship Envoy Award" at the awarding ceremony of the inaugural Orchid Awards in Beijing on Friday for his exceptional contributions to fostering China-ASEAN exchange and cooperation.

Award ceremony held to honor foreigners for contribution to cultural exchanges

The inaugural Orchid Awards ceremony was held in Beijing Friday, honoring foreign friends who have promoted humanity's shared values, and facilitated cultural exchanges between China and the rest of the world and mutual learning among global civilizations.

Orchid Awards special guests visit Guangzhou

Four special guests of the inaugural Orchid Awards visited Guangzhou, capital city of Guangdong province, on Tuesday and Wednesday.

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