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CICG hosts symposium on China-LAC cooperation

On Monday, a symposium on common development and knowledge sharing between China and Latin American and Caribbean countries was held in Beijing, commemorating the 10th anniversary of the China-CELAC Forum.

International Federation of Translators sets up Asia center

FIT Asia, a regional center of the International Federation of Translators (FIT), was officially established during the FIT council meeting held on Saturday in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. CICG Vice President Gao Anming delivered a speech over video link.

Diplomats from 38 countries explore China's sustainable innovations

Diplomats from 38 countries are in Guangdong province this week, exploring the latest examples of China's modernization drive. The Center for Europe and Asia (China Pictorial Publications) under China International Communications Group co-hosted the event.

CICG establishes China-Arab Cultural Publishing Center

The China-Arab Cultural Publishing Center was established by China International Communications Group (CICG) in Beijing on Jan. 11, aiming to promote China-Arab cultural and publishing exchanges.

Sino-Serbian youth dialogue boosts cultural bond

The China-Serbia Youth Friendship Dialogue was held in Belgrade on Tuesday evening under the guidance of China International Communications Group.

CICG president meets Poly Culture delegation

Du Zhanyuan, president of China International Communications Group (CICG), held talks with a visiting delegation from Poly Culture in Beijing on Tuesday about strengthening pragmatic cooperation.

CICG launches cooperation base in Shanghai for cultural exchange

A ceremony was held at Shanghai University on Friday to mark the establishment of the Cooperation Base of Innovation on Cultural Communication (Shanghai Center) and the launch of the 2024 Global Conference for Reciting Chinese Poetry.

CICG to attend Foire de Paris 2024

China International Communications Groups (CICG) will attend the Foire de Paris 2024 running from May 1 to 12 in Paris, France, and host a Chinese cultural exhibition as well as other exchange activities.

Promoting rural preschool education: What has a German contributed in Yunnan for 18 years?

Eighteen years ago, Michael Herman, an education expert from Germany, came to Zhenkang county of Yunnan, China. What results have been achieved in his 18-year experience and cooperation with the local government? What does Herman feel when looking back on his team's enduring support in Yunnan?

Unraveling the secret behind the success of China's engineering machinery

From relying on imports to achieving independent innovation, and from obscurity to global excellence, how does China's machinery manufacturing undergo such a transformative journey?

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